06.11.03 7:06 pm

Main Entry: park�tard
Pronunciation: p�h-rk-'t�rd
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French parktarder, from Latin parktardare, from park- + tardus slow
Date: 15th century
transitive senses

    1 : The losers who will not park like the rest of us. This includes men who park diagonally in their Trans Ams (mimicking the slant of their shrivelled genitalia), while taking up the last three open spaces of the parking lot

    2 : The women who cannot master parallel parking and end up leaving one half of their SUV on the sidewalk.

    3 : People of both genders who park so closely to your vehicle that you�ll never get the door open without sucking in your breath only to ding their door anyhow, and then they give you a dirty look as if you somehow repainted the parking lanes while they were inside shopping for Pokemon baby visors and Oscar Meyer Lunchables.


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