07.18.03 12:08 pm
horning: utilizing car horn

Good times this morning on my way to work.

First, a little bitty squirrel was attempting to cross over US-23 (local expressway for all you non-metro-Detroit-ers) and it was only in my place that I take it upon myself to HONK! 3493343 times at the lil bastard in order to prompt him off the road. All who witnessed were truly puzzled as I assume they had not seen said squirrel..and thought I was honking perusively at them. You bet I laughed.

Then as I was entering the company parking lot (which may I add, is an adventure in itself), the security truck took a sudden turn around a blind corner and *almost* hit me front-on. She is relatively new and with that in mind, I excused this mishap (this is the last time, however) with a little wave.

And then..(yes, MORE!) I saw an open spot and began my journey (literally) towards it when I realized the black waddling blobs (I wasn't wearing my glasses) I was approaching were actually not blobs at all, but two geese taking a morning stroll through the cars. Needless to say, I took this opportunity to make use of my horn, once again, in an exceeding manner. I really love that horn. Really. It's a cute sounding one, too.

I don't know why, but I think it's HILARIOUS when a bunch of ducks/geese/whatever are all lined up in a row and crossing a road, stopping traffic in both directions for at least 1/4 mile.

It just makes my day.

*No animals were hurt in the duration of this entry..everyone is safe, rest assured*


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