08.05.03 11:06 am
Like, ready? OK!

What do Ben Affleck and Hilary Swank have in common (oh stop whining, you want to know this TRUST ME)? They both won Oscars, sure, BUT they were also both in Buffy, the Vampire Slayer...Yeah, the movie with Kristie Swanson before it became the ironically self-aware hit of the WB.

In fact, Mr. Affleck's role was so plush that his character didn't even have a name. He was just "Basketball Player #10" and had one line, "Hey, watch it!"
Someone should remind him of that when he and J-Lo get all obnoxious and irritating again.

(Observations such as these only ensue when one spends the entire evening stuck infront of the computer doing homework for my photoshop class, and will take any kind of distraction for an excuse to stop doing said homework, including watching the credits for a movie. This is my life).


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